Faithful Friends' staff is available 24 hours a day. Call anytime you need us.
There will never be an additional charge for meeting you outside of business hours, even on holidays.
Private Cremation - Your pet is placed alone in the cremation chamber. After the cremation takes place, your pet's remains are removed from the chamber, processed, and returned to you in one of our complimentary urns, or in the purchased urn of your choice. (See Products page for selection.) The price for private cremation ranges from $150 to $400, depending on the size of the animal.
Simple (Communal) Cremation - Several pets are placed in the cremation chamber at once. Therefore, the cremated remains are not able to be separated. No urn will be returned, rather, our staff will scatter the ashes in accordance with state and local regulations. The price for communal cremation ranges from $50 to $125, depending on the size of the animal.
Home Removal - A Faithful Friends staff member will come to your home or meet you at your veterinarian's office for an additional fee of $55. There is no charge if you bring your pet to our office.
Farewell Room - Our office in downtown Zephyrhills features a "Farewell Room", a special quiet room where you and your family may say your final farewells to your beloved pet. Four-legged family members are welcome to visit as well. There is no charge for this service.
Urn Delivery - If you do not wish to pick up your pet's urn at our office or at your veterinarian, we will deliver the urn to your home for an additional $55. Urns can also be shipped via USPS Priority Express Mail, pricing varies based on weight and distance.
Burial - While we do not offer Burial services, Faithful Friends offers a variety of caskets and grave markers if you choose to bury your pet at home. We also carry a selection of biodegradable urns which are suitable for burial in-ground or at-sea. Prices vary, please see Products page for burial items.